
Example: Mapping images to an atlas and visualizing them with a river plot

Often, we would like to map a results image (e.g., t-map or functional connectivity map) to an atlas to help localize where the activity is. The table() method is one way to do this, as it auto-labels regions using an atlas. Here, we will explore another way of doing this, using river plots.

The riverplot method creates a ribbon plot showing similarities between one set of spatial maps (e.g., here, a single results map) and another (here, the regions that comprise a standard cerebellar brain atlas).

We'll load the cerebellar atlas, load a set of functional connectivity maps from the Buckner Lab 1,000-person functional connectivity dataset, and visualize the relationships between them.

In addition to serving as an example of how to use the code, the results are informative for localizing which anatomical parts of the cerebellum are mapped to particular resting-state networks.

Tor Wager, Aug 2018

% First, we'll load the images and define some names and colors
% -------------------------------------------------------------------

% Load the cerebellar atlas (requires the Neuroimaging_Pattern_Masks repository)
cblm = load_atlas('cerebellum');

[fc, fc_names] = load_image_set('bucknerlab_wholebrain');

% Add labels to image_names (used in riverplot.m method)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------

fc.image_names = fc_names';
cblm.image_names = cblm.labels;

% Define Colors
% -------------------------------------------------------------------

n = length(fc_names);
fc_colors = seaborn_colors(n);                          % for initial montage
fc_color = {[.5 0 1]};                                  % for riverplot
cblm_colors = colorcube_colors(num_regions(cblm));      % for riverplot

% Some display helper functions
dashes = '----------------------------------------------';
printhdr = @(str) fprintf('%s\n%s\n%s\n', dashes, str, dashes);
Loading atlas: /Users/torwager/Documents/GitHub/MasksPrivate/Masks_private/2009_Diedrichsen_SUIT_Cerebellum-MNIsegment-MRICroN/SUIT_Cerebellum_MNI_atlas_object.mat
Loaded images:

View the atlas to see what it looks like

------------------------------------------------------------------- montage(cblm) will also work here. This plot is a little nicer because it will show both the atlas and the networks side by side

o2 = canlab_results_fmridisplay([], 'multirow', 2);

o2 = montage(cblm, o2, 'wh_montages', 1:2);
title_montage(o2, 2, 'Cerebellar atlas');

title_montage(o2, 4, 'Functional Networks');

for i = 1:n

    myfc = get_wh_image(fc, i);
    o2 = addblobs(o2, region(myfc), 'wh_montages', 3:4, 'color', fc_colors{i});


% Get regions (for slice montage)
r = atlas2region(cblm);
Setting up fmridisplay objects
This takes a lot of memory, and can hang if you have too little.
Grouping contiguous voxels:  12 regions
sagittal montage: 684 voxels displayed, 21728 not displayed on these slices
axial montage: 5724 voxels displayed, 16688 not displayed on these slices
Grouping contiguous voxels:   3 regions
sagittal montage: 742 voxels displayed, 22876 not displayed on these slices
axial montage: 3587 voxels displayed, 20031 not displayed on these slices
Grouping contiguous voxels:  28 regions
sagittal montage: 183 voxels displayed, 17122 not displayed on these slices
axial montage: 2470 voxels displayed, 14835 not displayed on these slices
Grouping contiguous voxels:  18 regions
sagittal montage: 727 voxels displayed, 19210 not displayed on these slices
axial montage: 4035 voxels displayed, 15902 not displayed on these slices
Grouping contiguous voxels:  32 regions
sagittal montage: 524 voxels displayed, 15413 not displayed on these slices
axial montage: 2806 voxels displayed, 13131 not displayed on these slices
Grouping contiguous voxels:  28 regions
sagittal montage: 578 voxels displayed, 26869 not displayed on these slices
axial montage: 5536 voxels displayed, 21911 not displayed on these slices
Grouping contiguous voxels:  16 regions
sagittal montage: 1758 voxels displayed, 35916 not displayed on these slices
axial montage: 7915 voxels displayed, 29759 not displayed on these slices

Create a river plot for the overall relationship, and plot the matrix

The ribbon thicknesses in the riverplot are proportional to the cosine similarity between the network map and the region.


[layer1, layer2, ribbons, sim_matrix] = riverplot(fc, 'layer2', cblm, 'colors1', fc_colors, 'colors2', cblm_colors);

drawnow, snapnow
Image names entered, but fullpath attribute is empty. Getting path info.
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 979 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
963 387 979 942 693 979 954 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1100 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
1095 396 1100 1066 780 1099 1094 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1314 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
1265 498 1298 1022 1209 1313 1299 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1263 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
1205 372 1252 1052 1188 1262 1263 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2319 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
2250 1938 2224 1260 2293 1647 2314 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 616 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
557 549 596 352 611 448 616 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2170 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
2073 1743 2070 1396 2115 1593 2032 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 3441 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
3417 3441 3437 3067 3439 1606 2258 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the  28 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
 28  28  28  28  28   0  28 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 3351 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
3330 3351 3337 3105 3342 2356 1324 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2861 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
2861 2861 2711 2731 2824 1357 1900 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 166 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
150 166 109 149 166  90 166 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2724 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
2724 2724 2586 2702 2679 1960 1015 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1659 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
1659 1659 1133 1239 1643 996 1648 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 100 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
 71 100  78  53 100  98 100 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1588 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
1587 1588 1055 1385 1559 945 1441 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1478 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
1478 1308 1191 571 1462 1398 1478 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 371 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
369 299 312 143 368 371 371 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1455 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
1455 1244 1051 765 1444 1326 1455 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1249 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
1249 890 1109 759 1107 1197 1245 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 232 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
232 113 232 152 199 232 232 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1187 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
1187 730 1011 831 1035 1175 1169 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 957 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
957 887 869 882 735 885 570 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 250 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
250 224 250 221 168 249 138 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 960 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
960 849 851 914 717 948 543 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 196 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
195 196 127 175 155 149 179 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 108 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
108 108 108 108  93 108  27 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 178 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
178 178 127 176 136 148 125 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 340 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
340 337 340 248 183 276 316 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 340 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
340 332 339 300 117 316 296 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the  61 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
 61  52  61  45  25  61  61 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the  61 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
 61  48  61  50  24  61  61 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the   6 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
  6   6   6   6   0   6   6 
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the   6 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
  6   6   6   6   0   6   6 

 	Name	Cosine Similarity	
Cblm I IV L	0.0256	0.1423	0.0000	0.0388	0.1167	0.0000	0.0239	
Cblm I IV R	0.0144	0.1489	0.0000	0.0348	0.1214	0.0060	0.0121	
Cblm V L	0.0418	0.1661	0.0273	0.0952	0.0710	0.0060	0.0180	
Cblm V R	0.0442	0.1726	0.0228	0.0836	0.0596	0.0060	0.0000	
Cblm VI L	0.0498	0.1103	0.0643	0.2122	0.0352	0.1355	0.0107	
Cblm Vermis VI	0.0462	0.0458	0.0274	0.1016	0.0157	0.0658	0.0000	
Cblm VI R	0.0575	0.1177	0.0674	0.1835	0.0508	0.1283	0.0522	
Cblm CrusI L	0.0310	0.0000	0.0145	0.1208	0.0111	0.2272	0.1626	
Cblm Vermis CrusI	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0303	0.0000	
Cblm CrusI R	0.0274	0.0000	0.0271	0.0960	0.0232	0.1681	0.2099	
Cblm CrusII L	0.0000	0.0000	0.0808	0.0720	0.0432	0.2097	0.1432	
Cblm Vermis CrusII	0.0233	0.0000	0.0513	0.0251	0.0000	0.0443	0.0000	
Cblm CrusII R	0.0000	0.0000	0.0795	0.0321	0.0472	0.1457	0.1892	
Cblm VIIb L	0.0000	0.0000	0.1603	0.1288	0.0296	0.1307	0.0166	
Cblm Vermis VIIb	0.0315	0.0000	0.0309	0.0428	0.0000	0.0084	0.0000	
Cblm VIIb R	0.0067	0.0000	0.1613	0.0881	0.0386	0.1365	0.0573	
Cblm VIIIa L	0.0000	0.0731	0.1101	0.1896	0.0295	0.0521	0.0000	
Cblm Vermis VIIIa	0.0094	0.0483	0.0519	0.0947	0.0136	0.0000	0.0000	
Cblm VIIIa R	0.0000	0.0824	0.1346	0.1698	0.0250	0.0619	0.0000	
Cblm VIIIb L	0.0000	0.1120	0.0778	0.1345	0.0832	0.0391	0.0103	
Cblm Vermis VIIIb	0.0000	0.0652	0.0000	0.0564	0.0407	0.0000	0.0000	
Cblm VIIIb R	0.0000	0.1263	0.0896	0.1106	0.0813	0.0188	0.0193	
Cblm IX L	0.0000	0.0491	0.0619	0.0556	0.1042	0.0480	0.0925	
Cblm Vermis IX	0.0000	0.0290	0.0000	0.0322	0.0613	0.0060	0.0473	
Cblm IX R	0.0000	0.0591	0.0684	0.0411	0.1076	0.0196	0.0954	
Cblm X L	0.0067	0.0000	0.0542	0.0289	0.0420	0.0361	0.0193	
Cblm Vermis X	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0274	0.0000	0.0391	
Cblm X R	0.0000	0.0000	0.0463	0.0099	0.0438	0.0291	0.0332	
Cblm Dentate L	0.0000	0.0112	0.0000	0.0588	0.0884	0.0415	0.0221	
Cblm Dentate R	0.0000	0.0177	0.0076	0.0413	0.1047	0.0250	0.0299	
Cblm Interposed L	0.0000	0.0178	0.0000	0.0261	0.0407	0.0000	0.0000	
Cblm Interposed R	0.0000	0.0202	0.0000	0.0214	0.0417	0.0000	0.0000	
Cblm Fastigial L	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0192	0.0000	0.0000	
Cblm Fastigial R	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0192	0.0000	0.0000	

Visualize the matrix and identify the top network for each region

This is a bit crowded. Let's view the matrix:

create_figure('matrix', 1, 2);
set(gcf, 'Position', [182   232   670   723]);


set(gca, 'XTick', 1:n, 'XTickLabel', fc_names, ...
    'YTick', 1:num_regions(cblm), 'YTickLabel', format_strings_for_legend(cblm.labels), ...
    'XTickLabelRotation', 45, 'Ydir', 'reverse');


% Change the colormap to be more intuitive
cm = colormap_tor([1 1 1], [1 0 0]);

title('Cosine similarity')

subplot(1, 2, 2)

sim_centered = zscore(zscore(sim_matrix)')';

sim_centered(sim_centered < 0) = 0;         % threshold to show only top values


set(gca, 'XTick', 1:n, 'XTickLabel', fc_names, ...
    'YTick', 1:num_regions(cblm), 'YTickLabel', format_strings_for_legend(cblm.labels), ...
    'XTickLabelRotation', 45, 'Ydir', 'reverse');


title('Relative (double Z-scored) similarity')

drawnow, snapnow

% Get best region and make a table

[~, wh_max] = max(sim_centered');

Anatomical_Region = format_strings_for_legend(cblm.labels');
Funct_Network = format_strings_for_legend(fc_names(wh_max))';

results_table = table(Anatomical_Region, Funct_Network);
results_table = sortrows(results_table, 'Funct_Network');

     Anatomical_Region       Funct_Network  
    ____________________    ________________

    'Cblm CrusI R'          'Default'       
    'Cblm CrusII R'         'Default'       
    'Cblm Vermis X'         'Default'       
    'Cblm Fastigial L'      'Default'       
    'Cblm Fastigial R'      'Default'       
    'Cblm CrusI L'          'Frontoparietal'
    'Cblm Vermis CrusI'     'Frontoparietal'
    'Cblm CrusII L'         'Frontoparietal'
    'Cblm I IV L'           'Limbic'        
    'Cblm I IV R'           'Limbic'        
    'Cblm IX L'             'Limbic'        
    'Cblm Vermis IX'        'Limbic'        
    'Cblm IX R'             'Limbic'        
    'Cblm Dentate L'        'Limbic'        
    'Cblm Dentate R'        'Limbic'        
    'Cblm Interposed L'     'Limbic'        
    'Cblm Interposed R'     'Limbic'        
    'Cblm V L'              'Somatomotor'   
    'Cblm V R'              'Somatomotor'   
    'Cblm VIIIb L'          'Somatomotor'   
    'Cblm Vermis VIIIb'     'Somatomotor'   
    'Cblm VIIIb R'          'Somatomotor'   
    'Cblm Vermis VI'        'Visual'        
    'Cblm VI R'             'Visual'        
    'Cblm Vermis CrusII'    'Visual'        
    'Cblm Vermis VIIb'      'Visual'        
    'Cblm VIIb L'           'dAttention'    
    'Cblm VIIb R'           'dAttention'    
    'Cblm VIIIa R'          'dAttention'    
    'Cblm X L'              'dAttention'    
    'Cblm X R'              'dAttention'    
    'Cblm VI L'             'vAttention'    
    'Cblm VIIIa L'          'vAttention'    
    'Cblm Vermis VIIIa'     'vAttention'    

Create a river plot and slice montage for each network

The ribbon thicknesses in the riverplot are proportional to the cosine similarity between the network map and the region.


% for each functional connectivity network, make a riverplot and a slice
% montage showing the most similar cerebellar regions
% -------------------------------------------------------------------

for i = 1:size(fc.dat, 2)

    % Select a functional connectivity network to plot
    % -------------------------------------------------------------------

    myfc = get_wh_image(fc, i);

    % riverplot
    % -------------------------------------------------------------------

    [layer1, layer2, ribbons, sim_matrix] = riverplot(myfc, 'layer2', cblm, 'colors1', fc_color, 'colors2', cblm_colors);

    % make the slice montage display
    % -------------------------------------------------------------------

    o2 = canlab_results_fmridisplay([], 'multirow', 1, 'nofigure');

    % remove some axes that we don't need
    wh_delete = 6:11;
    o2.montage{2}.axis_handles(wh_delete) = [];

    % show the top regions on the slice montage
    % -------------------------------------------------------------------

    thr = sort(sim_matrix, 'descend');
    thr = thr(7); % greater than thr is top 6 regions

    %wh = sim_matrix > .02;
    wh = sim_matrix > thr;

    myr = r(wh);
    mycolors = cblm_colors(wh);

    for j = 1:length(myr)
        o2 = addblobs(o2, myr(j), 'trans', 'transvalue', .7, 'color', mycolors{j}, 'noverbose');

    drawnow, snapnow

    % Print summary of top regions
    % -------------------------------------------------------------------


end % network loop
Image names entered, but fullpath attribute is empty. Getting path info.
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 979 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1100 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1314 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1263 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2319 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 616 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2170 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 3441 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the  28 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 3351 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2861 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 166 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2724 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1659 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 100 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1588 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1478 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 371 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1455 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1249 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 232 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1187 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 957 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 250 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 960 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 196 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 108 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 178 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 340 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 340 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the  61 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the  61 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the   6 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the   6 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:

 	Name	Cosine Similarity	
Cblm I IV L	0.0256	
Cblm I IV R	0.0144	
Cblm V L	0.0418	
Cblm V R	0.0442	
Cblm VI L	0.0498	
Cblm Vermis VI	0.0462	
Cblm VI R	0.0575	
Cblm CrusI L	0.0310	
Cblm Vermis CrusI	0.0000	
Cblm CrusI R	0.0274	
Cblm CrusII L	0.0000	
Cblm Vermis CrusII	0.0233	
Cblm CrusII R	0.0000	
Cblm VIIb L	0.0000	
Cblm Vermis VIIb	0.0315	
Cblm VIIb R	0.0067	
Cblm VIIIa L	0.0000	
Cblm Vermis VIIIa	0.0094	
Cblm VIIIa R	0.0000	
Cblm VIIIb L	0.0000	
Cblm Vermis VIIIb	0.0000	
Cblm VIIIb R	0.0000	
Cblm IX L	0.0000	
Cblm Vermis IX	0.0000	
Cblm IX R	0.0000	
Cblm X L	0.0067	
Cblm Vermis X	0.0000	
Cblm X R	0.0000	
Cblm Dentate L	0.0000	
Cblm Dentate R	0.0000	
Cblm Interposed L	0.0000	
Cblm Interposed R	0.0000	
Cblm Fastigial L	0.0000	
Cblm Fastigial R	0.0000	
Setting up fmridisplay objects
This takes a lot of memory, and can hang if you have too little.
Image names entered, but fullpath attribute is empty. Getting path info.
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 979 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1100 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1314 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1263 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2319 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 616 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2170 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 3441 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the  28 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 3351 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2861 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 166 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2724 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1659 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 100 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1588 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1478 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 371 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1455 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1249 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 232 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1187 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 957 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 250 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 960 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 196 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 108 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 178 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 340 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 340 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the  61 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the  61 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the   6 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the   6 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:

 	Name	Cosine Similarity	
Cblm I IV L	0.1423	
Cblm I IV R	0.1489	
Cblm V L	0.1661	
Cblm V R	0.1726	
Cblm VI L	0.1103	
Cblm Vermis VI	0.0458	
Cblm VI R	0.1177	
Cblm CrusI L	0.0000	
Cblm Vermis CrusI	0.0000	
Cblm CrusI R	0.0000	
Cblm CrusII L	0.0000	
Cblm Vermis CrusII	0.0000	
Cblm CrusII R	0.0000	
Cblm VIIb L	0.0000	
Cblm Vermis VIIb	0.0000	
Cblm VIIb R	0.0000	
Cblm VIIIa L	0.0731	
Cblm Vermis VIIIa	0.0483	
Cblm VIIIa R	0.0824	
Cblm VIIIb L	0.1120	
Cblm Vermis VIIIb	0.0652	
Cblm VIIIb R	0.1263	
Cblm IX L	0.0491	
Cblm Vermis IX	0.0290	
Cblm IX R	0.0591	
Cblm X L	0.0000	
Cblm Vermis X	0.0000	
Cblm X R	0.0000	
Cblm Dentate L	0.0112	
Cblm Dentate R	0.0177	
Cblm Interposed L	0.0178	
Cblm Interposed R	0.0202	
Cblm Fastigial L	0.0000	
Cblm Fastigial R	0.0000	
Setting up fmridisplay objects
This takes a lot of memory, and can hang if you have too little.
Image names entered, but fullpath attribute is empty. Getting path info.
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 979 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1100 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1314 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1263 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2319 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 616 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2170 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 3441 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the  28 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 3351 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2861 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 166 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2724 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1659 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 100 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1588 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1478 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 371 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1455 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1249 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 232 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1187 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 957 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 250 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 960 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 196 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 108 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 178 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 340 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 340 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the  61 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the  61 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the   6 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the   6 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:

 	Name	Cosine Similarity	
Cblm I IV L	0.0000	
Cblm I IV R	0.0000	
Cblm V L	0.0273	
Cblm V R	0.0228	
Cblm VI L	0.0643	
Cblm Vermis VI	0.0274	
Cblm VI R	0.0674	
Cblm CrusI L	0.0145	
Cblm Vermis CrusI	0.0000	
Cblm CrusI R	0.0271	
Cblm CrusII L	0.0808	
Cblm Vermis CrusII	0.0513	
Cblm CrusII R	0.0795	
Cblm VIIb L	0.1603	
Cblm Vermis VIIb	0.0309	
Cblm VIIb R	0.1613	
Cblm VIIIa L	0.1101	
Cblm Vermis VIIIa	0.0519	
Cblm VIIIa R	0.1346	
Cblm VIIIb L	0.0778	
Cblm Vermis VIIIb	0.0000	
Cblm VIIIb R	0.0896	
Cblm IX L	0.0619	
Cblm Vermis IX	0.0000	
Cblm IX R	0.0684	
Cblm X L	0.0542	
Cblm Vermis X	0.0000	
Cblm X R	0.0463	
Cblm Dentate L	0.0000	
Cblm Dentate R	0.0076	
Cblm Interposed L	0.0000	
Cblm Interposed R	0.0000	
Cblm Fastigial L	0.0000	
Cblm Fastigial R	0.0000	
Setting up fmridisplay objects
This takes a lot of memory, and can hang if you have too little.
Image names entered, but fullpath attribute is empty. Getting path info.
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 979 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1100 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1314 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1263 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2319 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 616 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2170 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 3441 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the  28 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 3351 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2861 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 166 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2724 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1659 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 100 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1588 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1478 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 371 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1455 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1249 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 232 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1187 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 957 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 250 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 960 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 196 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 108 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 178 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 340 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 340 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the  61 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the  61 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the   6 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the   6 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:

 	Name	Cosine Similarity	
Cblm I IV L	0.0388	
Cblm I IV R	0.0348	
Cblm V L	0.0952	
Cblm V R	0.0836	
Cblm VI L	0.2122	
Cblm Vermis VI	0.1016	
Cblm VI R	0.1835	
Cblm CrusI L	0.1208	
Cblm Vermis CrusI	0.0000	
Cblm CrusI R	0.0960	
Cblm CrusII L	0.0720	
Cblm Vermis CrusII	0.0251	
Cblm CrusII R	0.0321	
Cblm VIIb L	0.1288	
Cblm Vermis VIIb	0.0428	
Cblm VIIb R	0.0881	
Cblm VIIIa L	0.1896	
Cblm Vermis VIIIa	0.0947	
Cblm VIIIa R	0.1698	
Cblm VIIIb L	0.1345	
Cblm Vermis VIIIb	0.0564	
Cblm VIIIb R	0.1106	
Cblm IX L	0.0556	
Cblm Vermis IX	0.0322	
Cblm IX R	0.0411	
Cblm X L	0.0289	
Cblm Vermis X	0.0000	
Cblm X R	0.0099	
Cblm Dentate L	0.0588	
Cblm Dentate R	0.0413	
Cblm Interposed L	0.0261	
Cblm Interposed R	0.0214	
Cblm Fastigial L	0.0000	
Cblm Fastigial R	0.0000	
Setting up fmridisplay objects
This takes a lot of memory, and can hang if you have too little.
Image names entered, but fullpath attribute is empty. Getting path info.
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 979 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1100 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1314 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1263 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2319 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 616 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2170 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 3441 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the  28 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 3351 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2861 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 166 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2724 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1659 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 100 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1588 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1478 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 371 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1455 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1249 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 232 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1187 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 957 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 250 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 960 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 196 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 108 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 178 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 340 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 340 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the  61 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the  61 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:

 	Name	Cosine Similarity	
Cblm I IV L	0.1167	
Cblm I IV R	0.1214	
Cblm V L	0.0710	
Cblm V R	0.0596	
Cblm VI L	0.0352	
Cblm Vermis VI	0.0157	
Cblm VI R	0.0508	
Cblm CrusI L	0.0111	
Cblm Vermis CrusI	0.0000	
Cblm CrusI R	0.0232	
Cblm CrusII L	0.0432	
Cblm Vermis CrusII	0.0000	
Cblm CrusII R	0.0472	
Cblm VIIb L	0.0296	
Cblm Vermis VIIb	0.0000	
Cblm VIIb R	0.0386	
Cblm VIIIa L	0.0295	
Cblm Vermis VIIIa	0.0136	
Cblm VIIIa R	0.0250	
Cblm VIIIb L	0.0832	
Cblm Vermis VIIIb	0.0407	
Cblm VIIIb R	0.0813	
Cblm IX L	0.1042	
Cblm Vermis IX	0.0613	
Cblm IX R	0.1076	
Cblm X L	0.0420	
Cblm Vermis X	0.0274	
Cblm X R	0.0438	
Cblm Dentate L	0.0884	
Cblm Dentate R	0.1047	
Cblm Interposed L	0.0407	
Cblm Interposed R	0.0417	
Cblm Fastigial L	0.0192	
Cblm Fastigial R	0.0192	
Setting up fmridisplay objects
This takes a lot of memory, and can hang if you have too little.
Image names entered, but fullpath attribute is empty. Getting path info.
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 979 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1100 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1314 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1263 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2319 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 616 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2170 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 3441 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 3351 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2861 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 166 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2724 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1659 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 100 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1588 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1478 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 371 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1455 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1249 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 232 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1187 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 957 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 250 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 960 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 196 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 108 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 178 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 340 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 340 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the  61 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the  61 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the   6 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the   6 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:

 	Name	Cosine Similarity	
Cblm I IV L	0.0000	
Cblm I IV R	0.0060	
Cblm V L	0.0060	
Cblm V R	0.0060	
Cblm VI L	0.1355	
Cblm Vermis VI	0.0658	
Cblm VI R	0.1283	
Cblm CrusI L	0.2272	
Cblm Vermis CrusI	0.0303	
Cblm CrusI R	0.1681	
Cblm CrusII L	0.2097	
Cblm Vermis CrusII	0.0443	
Cblm CrusII R	0.1457	
Cblm VIIb L	0.1307	
Cblm Vermis VIIb	0.0084	
Cblm VIIb R	0.1365	
Cblm VIIIa L	0.0521	
Cblm Vermis VIIIa	0.0000	
Cblm VIIIa R	0.0619	
Cblm VIIIb L	0.0391	
Cblm Vermis VIIIb	0.0000	
Cblm VIIIb R	0.0188	
Cblm IX L	0.0480	
Cblm Vermis IX	0.0060	
Cblm IX R	0.0196	
Cblm X L	0.0361	
Cblm Vermis X	0.0000	
Cblm X R	0.0291	
Cblm Dentate L	0.0415	
Cblm Dentate R	0.0250	
Cblm Interposed L	0.0000	
Cblm Interposed R	0.0000	
Cblm Fastigial L	0.0000	
Cblm Fastigial R	0.0000	
Setting up fmridisplay objects
This takes a lot of memory, and can hang if you have too little.
Image names entered, but fullpath attribute is empty. Getting path info.
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 979 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1100 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1314 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1263 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2319 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 616 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2170 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 3441 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the  28 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 3351 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2861 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 166 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 2724 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1659 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 100 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1588 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1478 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 371 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1455 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1249 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 232 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 1187 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 957 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 250 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 960 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 196 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 108 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 178 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 340 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the 340 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the  61 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the  61 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the   6 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:
Warning: Some images have zero values in some of the   6 voxels in weight mask. These will be excluded from similarity analysis image-wise.
Number of zero or NaN values within weight mask, by input image:

 	Name	Cosine Similarity	
Cblm I IV L	0.0239	
Cblm I IV R	0.0121	
Cblm V L	0.0180	
Cblm V R	0.0000	
Cblm VI L	0.0107	
Cblm Vermis VI	0.0000	
Cblm VI R	0.0522	
Cblm CrusI L	0.1626	
Cblm Vermis CrusI	0.0000	
Cblm CrusI R	0.2099	
Cblm CrusII L	0.1432	
Cblm Vermis CrusII	0.0000	
Cblm CrusII R	0.1892	
Cblm VIIb L	0.0166	
Cblm Vermis VIIb	0.0000	
Cblm VIIb R	0.0573	
Cblm VIIIa L	0.0000	
Cblm Vermis VIIIa	0.0000	
Cblm VIIIa R	0.0000	
Cblm VIIIb L	0.0103	
Cblm Vermis VIIIb	0.0000	
Cblm VIIIb R	0.0193	
Cblm IX L	0.0925	
Cblm Vermis IX	0.0473	
Cblm IX R	0.0954	
Cblm X L	0.0193	
Cblm Vermis X	0.0391	
Cblm X R	0.0332	
Cblm Dentate L	0.0221	
Cblm Dentate R	0.0299	
Cblm Interposed L	0.0000	
Cblm Interposed R	0.0000	
Cblm Fastigial L	0.0000	
Cblm Fastigial R	0.0000	
Setting up fmridisplay objects
This takes a lot of memory, and can hang if you have too little.