Multivariate Pathway Identification (MPathI): A Tutorial

This tutorial explains the MPathI method in Kragel et al. 2021, Neuron.
Kragel, Philip A., Marta Čeko, Jordan Theriault, Danlei Chen, Ajay B. Satpute, Lawrence W. Wald, Martin A. Lindquist, Lisa Feldman Barrett, and Tor D. Wager. 2021. “A Human Colliculus-Pulvinar-Amygdala Pathway Encodes Negative Emotion.” Neuron 109 (15): 2404–12.e5.
It is also used in this paper in eLife.
The key concepts behind this method are that:
(1) Brain pathways are natural units of analysis in the search for brain correlates of perception, behavior, and mental states.
(2) Multivariate patterns linked to population codes in specific neural ensembles are a more targeted and powerful unit of analysis than averages over gross anatomical regions.
While many fMRI studies have examined connectivity between regions, they typically use average activity within large regions (many brain voxels). However, many studies on multivariate pattern analysis have shown that patterns provide more sensitive and specific links to perception, behavior, and mental states (e.g., see this, this, this, and this). And neuron-level imaging, electrophysiology, and manipulations show that behaviors and functional pathways are mediated by specific cell ensembles that often include a minority of cells in an anatomical region (e.g., this, this, and this).
The MPathI method therefore attempts to identify multivariate patterns across voxels in each of two regions, where the patterns are chosen to maximize connectivity across the pattern response (a proxy for neural population code) across regions. Thus, rather than identifying patterns based on relationships with psychological variables, MPathI identifies them based on interconnectivity across brain regions. The result is identification of a functional pathway based on connectivity in neural subpopulations.
The method for running MPathI is called model_brain_pathway. This is a method for the CANlab fmri_data object.
Table of Contents

1. Introduction

Pathways are a critical unit of analysis. The brain is organized into parthways and circuits. Neurons in a given anatomical area (e.g., the pulvinar nucleus of the thalamus) are functionally diverse. Particular ensembles of neurons are responsive to particular stimuli and drive particular behaviors. These ensembles also project to specific subpopulations in other brain regions (e.g., from the pulvinar to specific parts of the amygdala). In nonhuman animals, it is increasingly possible to tag these cell ensembles based on transcriptional markers or activity in particular task or environmental states, and to identify their precise projections to different brain areas. The functional pathway is a critical unit of analysis. They define the systems studied in systems neuroscience. Often, it is possible to evoke or suppress a behavior by activating or inhibiting neurons at multiple points along a pathway or within a neural circuit.
Human measures of functional connectivity lack specificity. In humans, tools for identifying precise connections among neural ensembles are not available. Analyses of "functional connectivity" typically focus on correlations in signal across pre-defined regions of interest (ROIs). Typically, signals are averaged over an entire ROI (e.g., pulvinar, or basolateral amygdala), and correlations among region-averaged signals are estimated. There are many variants on the correlations--bivariate correlations, partial correlations, Granger causal models, Dynamic Causal Models, and more--but the principle of averaging over voxels in a region is common to all of them. The averaging process inevitably averages over multiple neural subpopulations with different functional profiles and different connectivity with other regions, resulting in a lack of both functional and neuroanatomical specificity.
MPathI applies principles of MVPA to connectivity analysis, identifying functional pathways with more precision than using anatomical ROIs. A large body of work on Multivariate Pattern Analysis (MVPA) has shown that it is possible to obtain subtantially improved functional sensitivity and specificity by optimizing patterns to (a) discriminate stimuli or tasks, or to (b) predict behaviors and other outcomes. Patterns can be assessed at (a) the group (or population) level, with pattern weights constrained to be identical across persons, or (b) the individual-person level, with pattern weights varying across persons. Each has important strengths and weaknesses. The idea of MPathI, and similar approaches in its class, is to identify multivariate patterns in two regions such that the functional association between 'pattern responses' (or scores) across regions is maximized. The pattern in each region is intended to be a more precise characterization of activity in a subpopulation of neurons that are connected to subpopulations in other regions. This may not always be the case, and its benefits over using ROI averages (or first principal components) depend on the spatial distributions of relevant neural subpopulations and the functional resolution of the images. However, our analyses to date show substantial benefits.
MPathI can be used to identify pathways, which can subsequently be tested for their relationships to mental states and behaviors. One strategy is to first use MPathI to identify pathways, and then to characterize how those pathways respond to stimuli and correlate with behaviors. For example, one can identify a pathway based on time series connectivity. This can be done on resting-state data or on task data blind to task state. As many pathways are only activated during relevant tasks, task data may be advantageous here. Then, one can apply the patterns to extract responses in each region and their (often Fisher's Z-transformed) correlation, a measure of connectivity strength. These pathway measures can be correlated with individual differences. In a perhaps more powerful approach, pattern responses and time-varying connectivity (using, e.g., Dynamic Conditional Correlations or sliding windows) can be extracted over time. These can then be analyzed in relation to within-person stimulus events or behaviors. For example, one could run a regression with pattern response (or dynamic connectivity) as the outcome and stimulus conditions or behaviors as predictors (i.e., a standard fMRI GLM design matrix). This tests whether pathway-related activity or connectivity is affected by task state. One can also analyze whether responses are sensitive and/or specific to particular task states.

Multiple ways to use MPathI

You can run MPathI on a group analysis, across images from multiple subjects, or individualized analyses, in which each subject is run separately with model_brain_pathway and gets their own pattern. You can also use hyperalignment in a group analysis to functionally align each subject's functional patterns.

2. Installation and code

Toolbox: The MPathI method is part of the CANlab Core Tools repository. For code, dependencies, and installation, along with more information on these objects and CANlab tools, see and the CANlab Core Tools github repository.
Code: The method for running MPathI is called model_brain_pathway. This is a method for the CANlab fmri_data() class object. These objects permit interactive analysis with simple commands.
Usage: To run model_brain_pathway, you'll pass in an fmri_data object containing the data to extract and run analyses on (obj_to_analyze) as the first argument, and CANlab atlas() class objects defining the regions to connect. See the example below.

3. Load and prepare a sample dataset

Load a sample single-trial dataset

The dataset, "bmrk3", has multiple subjects, with brain images modeling single-trial responses to a series of painful thermal stimuli. It is part of a Github repository from CANlab with single-trial pain data from multiple studies.
A paper describing this dataset and several models trained using it is here:
Petre, B., Kragel, P., Atlas, L. Y., Geuter, S., Jempa, M., Koban, L., Krishnan, A., Lopez-Sola, M., Losin, E.A.R., Roy, M., Woo, C-W. & Wager, T.D. (2022). A multistudy analysis reveals that evoked pain intensity representation is distributed across brain systems. PLoS Biol. 20(5):e3001620. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3001620.
fname = which('swrsub-sid001567_task-pinel_acq-s1p2_run-03_bold.nii.gz');
obj = fmri_data(fname);
Using default mask: /Users/f003vz1/Documents/GitHub/CanlabCore/CanlabCore/canlab_canonical_brains/Canonical_brains_surfaces/brainmask_canlab.nii loading mask. mapping volumes. checking that dimensions and voxel sizes of volumes are the same. Pre-allocating data array. Needed: 145720800 bytes Loading image number: 150 Elapsed time is 0.502968 seconds. Image names entered, but fullpath attribute is empty. Getting path info. .fullpath should have image name for each image column in .dat Attempting to expand image filenames in case image list is unexpanded 4-D images Number of unique values in dataset: 493 Bit rate: 8.95 bits Warning: Number of unique values in dataset is low, indicating possible restriction of bit rate. For comparison, Int16 has 65,536 unique values
If fname is empty, then the sample data file is not on your Matlab path. Locate it and add the folder to your path like in the example below:
% A few preliminary steps
% Suppress some warnings that are irrelevant for present purposes for this demo
warning('off', 'all'); % Turns off all warnings
% Set a couple of properties to make figures render more nicely in html
set(groot, 'DefaultFigurePosition', [200, 200, 900, 600], 'DefaultAxesFontSize', 12);

Data cleaning

If you are using time series data, it can be very helpful to high-pass filter the time series and to model and remove outliers. These can otherwise have substantial global impact on your connectivity estimates.
mvmtfname = which('rp_sub-sid001567_task-pinel_acq-s1p2_run-03_bold.txt');
obj_denoised = clean_fmri_timeseries(obj, mvmtfname);
______________________________________________________________ Outlier analysis ______________________________________________________________ global mean | global mean to var | spatial MAD | rmssd | Missing values | 0 images Retained 2 components for mahalanobis distance Expected 50% of points within 50% normal ellipsoid, found 18.67% Expected 7.50 outside 95% ellipsoid, found 6 Potential outliers based on mahalanobis distance: Bonferroni corrected: 1 images Cases 1 Uncorrected: 6 images Cases 1 2 3 4 5 6 Retained 2 components for mahalanobis distance Expected 50% of points within 50% normal ellipsoid, found 22.67% Expected 7.50 outside 95% ellipsoid, found 6 Potential outliers based on mahalanobis distance: Bonferroni corrected: 1 images Cases 1 Uncorrected: 6 images Cases 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mahalanobis (cov and corr, q<0.05 corrected): 1 images Framewise Displacement (before and after >0.50 mm correction): 0 images Outlier_count Percentage _____________ __________ global_mean 6 4 global_mean_to_variance 4 2.6667 missing_values 0 0 rmssd_dvars 1 0.66667 spatial_variability 4 2.6667 mahal_cov_uncor 6 4 mahal_cov_corrected 1 0.66667 mahal_corr_uncor 6 4 mahal_corr_corrected 1 0.66667 fd 0 0 Overall_uncorrected 10 6.6667 Overall_corrected 8 5.3333
ans = 10
Extracting from gray_matter_mask_sparse.img. Removing 2565 voxels with one or more NaNs Extracting from canonical_white_matter.img. Removing 106 voxels with one or more NaNs Extracting from canonical_ventricles.img. Removing 158 voxels with one or more NaNs
Warning: Columns of X are linearly dependent to within machine precision.
Using only the first 2 components to compute TSQUARED.
Inspect data
Now show a plot of the denoised data to check it visually
Warning: Graphics timeout occurred. To share details of this issue with MathWorks technical support, please include that this is an unresponsive graphics client with your service request.
Warning: Graphics timeout occurred. To share details of this issue with MathWorks technical support, please include that this is an unresponsive graphics client with your service request.
Warning: Graphics timeout occurred. To share details of this issue with MathWorks technical support, please include that this is an unresponsive graphics client with your service request.
Warning: Graphics timeout occurred. To share details of this issue with MathWorks technical support, please include that this is an unresponsive graphics client with your service request.
______________________________________________________________ Outlier analysis ______________________________________________________________ global mean | global mean to var | spatial MAD | Missing values | 0 images
Warning: Columns of X are linearly dependent to within machine precision.
Using only the first 136 components to compute TSQUARED.
Retained 10 components for mahalanobis distance Expected 50% of points within 50% normal ellipsoid, found 50.67% Expected 7.50 outside 95% ellipsoid, found 12 Potential outliers based on mahalanobis distance: Bonferroni corrected: 0 images Cases Uncorrected: 12 images Cases 61 62 74 95 96 97 102 103 121 128 129 139
Warning: Columns of X are linearly dependent to within machine precision.
Using only the first 144 components to compute TSQUARED.
Retained 10 components for mahalanobis distance Expected 50% of points within 50% normal ellipsoid, found 58.00% Expected 7.50 outside 95% ellipsoid, found 0 Potential outliers based on mahalanobis distance: Bonferroni corrected: 0 images Cases Uncorrected: 0 images Cases Mahalanobis (cov and corr, q<0.05 corrected): 0 images Outlier_count Percentage _____________ __________ global_mean 4 2.6667 global_mean_to_variance 1 0.66667 missing_values 0 0 rmssd_dvars 0 0 spatial_variability 11 7.3333 mahal_cov_uncor 12 8 mahal_cov_corrected 0 0 mahal_corr_uncor 0 0 mahal_corr_corrected 0 0 Overall_uncorrected 26 17.333 Overall_corrected 15 10 Compressed NIfTI files are not supported. Compressed NIfTI files are not supported. Compressed NIfTI files are not supported. SPM12: spm_check_registration (v7759) 15:07:42 - 26/02/2025 ======================================================================== Display /Users/f003vz1/Documents/GitHub/CanlabCore/CanlabCore/canlab_canonical_brains/Canonical_brains_surfaces/fmriprep20_template.nii.gz,1 (all) /Users/f003vz1/Documents/GitHub/CanlabCore/CanlabCore/canlab_canonical_brains/Canonical_brains_surfaces/fmriprep20_template.nii.gz,1 /Users/f003vz1/Documents/GitHub/CanlabCore/CanlabCore/canlab_canonical_brains/Canonical_brains_surfaces/fmriprep20_template.nii.gz,1
Grouping contiguous voxels: 1 regions Grouping contiguous voxels: 1 regions Grouping contiguous voxels: 1 regions
% Have a look at principal components of the denoised data
pca(obj_denoised, 'k', 5);
Warning: Columns of X are linearly dependent to within machine precision.
Using only the first 55 components to compute TSQUARED.
Warning: Graphics timeout occurred. To share details of this issue with MathWorks technical support, please include that this is an unresponsive graphics client with your service request.
Warning: Graphics timeout occurred. To share details of this issue with MathWorks technical support, please include that this is an unresponsive graphics client with your service request.

4. Load atlas and select regions

MPathI, as implemented in the fmri_data.model_brain_pathway method, takes four regions as inputs.This is intended to test two target pathways, each containing two regions, and whether "on-target" connectivity in expected pathways is stronger than "off-target" connectivity in crossed pathways.
Here, we are interested in two pathways: The visual thalamocortical pathway, from LGN to V1, and the auditory thalamocortical pathway, from MGN to A1. These are well established sensory pathways. The visual pathway is ipsilateral, as it decussates at the optic chiasm before reaching the thalamus. The auditory pathway is more bilateral.
Region selection is accomplished here using the CANlab atlas object. The ROIs come from (1) SPM anatomy toolbox (amygdala and posterior insula); (2) the Szekely / Morel thalamic atlas (VPL); and (3) a hand-drawn PBN region based on reported PBN coordinates from Fairhurs et al. 2007. See help canlab_load_ROI and the .references field of the atlas_obj for more information.
atlas_obj = load_atlas('canlab2024');
Loading atlas: CANLab2024_MNI152NLin2009cAsym_coarse_2mm_atlas_object.mat
atlas_obj.labels % see all labels
ans = 1×518 cell
'Ctx_V1_L' 'Ctx_MST_L' 'Ctx_V6_L' 'Ctx_V2_L' 'Ctx_V3_L' 'Ctx_V4_L' 'Ctx_V8_L' 'Ctx_4_L' 'Ctx_3b_L' 'Ctx_FEF_L' 'Ctx_PEF_L' 'Ctx_55b_L' 'Ctx_V3A_L' 'Ctx_RSC_L' 'Ctx_POS2_L''Ctx_V7_L' 'Ctx_IPS1_L''Ctx_FFC_L' 'Ctx_V3B_L' 'Ctx_LO1_L' 'Ctx_LO2_L' 'Ctx_PIT_L' 'Ctx_MT_L' 'Ctx_A1_L' 'Ctx_PSL_L' 'Ctx_SFL_L' 'Ctx_PCV_L' 'Ctx_STV_L' 'Ctx_7Pm_L' 'Ctx_7m_L'
warning off % turn some warnings off that we don't need to worry about
Note: canlab2024 must be built on your system. If you have trouble, an alternative is to use the older atlas:
atlas_obj = load_atlas('canlab2018_2mm');
Let's define 4 regions with cross-hemispheric connections known from anatomy:
LGN = select_atlas_subset(atlas_obj, {'LGN'});
% Select regions with probabilty >0.9 of being LGN across individuals
% This only works for atlases with probability maps defined (e.g., canlab2024)
LGN = threshold(LGN, 0.9);
Keeping probability_map values above 0.90
left_LGN = select_atlas_subset(LGN, {'Thal_LGN_L'});
right_LGN = select_atlas_subset(LGN, {'Thal_LGN_R'});
% LGN_regions = atlas2region(LGN);
% left_LGN = LGN_regions(1);
% orthviews(LGN)
montage(LGN, 'regioncenters');
Compressed NIfTI files are not supported.
% montage(LGN, 'compact2');
As an example, here we can leave the regions unthresholded, so their extent will be maximal. Any voxel with >0% probability of being labeled MGN will be included. MPathI will find patterns within these regions.
MGN = select_atlas_subset(atlas_obj, {'MGN'});
% MGN = threshold(MGN, 0.9);
left_MGN = select_atlas_subset(MGN, {'Thal_MGN_L'});
right_MGN = select_atlas_subset(MGN, {'Thal_MGN_R'});
% orthviews(MGN)
montage(MGN, 'regioncenters');
Compressed NIfTI files are not supported.
% montage(MGN, 'compact2');
V1 is a very large region, so we can threshold it more aggressively.
RV1 = select_atlas_subset(atlas_obj, {'Ctx_V1_R'});
RV1 = threshold(RV1, 0.5);
Keeping probability_map values above 0.50
LV1 = select_atlas_subset(atlas_obj, {'Ctx_V1_L'});
LV1 = threshold(LV1, 0.5);
Keeping probability_map values above 0.50
% orthviews(RV1)
montage(RV1, 'regioncenters');
Compressed NIfTI files are not supported.
RA1 = select_atlas_subset(atlas_obj, {'Ctx_A1_R'});
% RA1 = threshold(RA1, 0.5);
LA1 = select_atlas_subset(atlas_obj, {'Ctx_A1_L'});
% orthviews(RA1)
montage(RA1, 'regioncenters');
Compressed NIfTI files are not supported.

5. Run MPathI

Estimate the model

The method for running MPathI is called model_brain_pathway. This is a method for the CANlab fmri_data() class object. You'll pass in an fmri_data object containing the data to extract and run analyses on (obj_to_analyze) as the first argument, and CANlab atlas() class objects defining the regions to connect. For more information on these objects and CANlab tools, see and the CANlab Core Tools github repository.
Thalamocortical connections
% Run MPathI
% This estimates PLS models with two pathways: left lgn->L V1 and left mgn->L A1
% It tests the cross-validated connectivity strength in each pathway
% and across pathways (off=target), and compares target vs off-target pathways
dashes = '----------------------------------------------';
printhdr = @(str) fprintf('%s\n%s\n%s\n', dashes, str, dashes);
printhdr('MPathI: left lgn->L V1 and left mgn->L A1')
---------------------------------------------- MPathI: left lgn->L V1 and left mgn->L A1 ----------------------------------------------
pathwaynames = {'L LGN->L V1' 'L LGN->L A1' 'L MGN->L V1' 'L MGN->L A1'};
stats = model_brain_pathway(obj_denoised, left_LGN, left_MGN, LV1, LA1);
Elapsed time is 2.056699 seconds.
Latent MPathI correlations were 0.29 (sd = 0.07) for Pathway 1 and 0.19 (sd = 0.06) for Pathway 2. Correlations were significant for Pathway 1, t(9.0) = 3.69, p = 0.004961, and significant for Pathway 2, t(9.0) = 2.90, p = 0.017690. The interaction between on-targed (expected) and off-target pathways was signficant, t(9.0) = 4.67, p = 0.001164. Pathway 1 on-target vs. off-target correlations were signficant, t(9.0) = 3.84, p = 0.003965. Pathway 2 on-target vs. off-target correlations were not signficant, t(9.0) = 2.20, p = 0.055589. Simple ROI correlations were -0.26 (sd = 0.07) for Pathway 1 and 0.08 (sd = 0.08) for Pathway 2. Correlations were significant for Pathway 1, t(9.0) = -3.62, p = 0.005605, and not significant for Pathway 2, t(9.0) = 1.06, p = 0.318618. The interaction between on-targed (expected) and off-target pathways was not signficant, t(9.0) = -1.84, p = 0.098597. Pathway 1 on-target vs. off-target correlations were signficant, t(9.0) = -2.61, p = 0.028196. Pathway 2 on-target vs. off-target correlations were not signficant, t(9.0) = 0.01, p = 0.993737.

Show results for region averages and latent pathways

colors = {[.3 .4 1] [.4 .5 .6] [.6 .5 .4] [1 .7 .3]};
% Plot the correlations among region averages:
disp('Simple ROI correlations')
Simple ROI correlations
create_figure('Simple ROI correlations');
barplot_columns(stats.simple_correlations, 'names', pathwaynames, 'colors', colors, 'nofigure');
Col 1: L LGN->L V1 Col 2: L LGN->L A1 Col 3: L MGN->L V1 Col 4: L MGN->L A1 --------------------------------------------- Tests of column means against zero --------------------------------------------- Name Mean_Value Std_Error T P Cohens_d _______________ __________ _________ _______ _________ ________ {'L LGN->L V1'} -0.26368 0.070561 -3.7369 0.0046473 -1.1817 {'L LGN->L A1'} 0.064297 0.093736 0.68593 0.51004 0.21691 {'L MGN->L V1'} 0.087654 0.071793 1.2209 0.25313 0.38609 {'L MGN->L A1'} 0.083161 0.081538 1.0199 0.3344 0.32252
title('Simple ROI correlations')
% Plot the correlations among PLS-optimized latent timeseries:
disp('MPathI correlations')
MPathI correlations
create_figure('MPathI correlations');
barplot_columns(stats.latent_correlations, 'names', pathwaynames, 'colors', colors, 'nofigure');
Col 1: L LGN->L V1 Col 2: L LGN->L A1 Col 3: L MGN->L V1 Col 4: L MGN->L A1 --------------------------------------------- Tests of column means against zero --------------------------------------------- Name Mean_Value Std_Error T P Cohens_d _______________ __________ _________ ________ _________ ________ {'L LGN->L V1'} 0.28785 0.073706 3.9053 0.0035901 1.235 {'L LGN->L A1'} 0.0058967 0.081201 0.072619 0.9437 0.022964 {'L MGN->L V1'} -0.089409 0.090155 -0.99172 0.34725 -0.31361 {'L MGN->L A1'} 0.19449 0.064426 3.0188 0.014507 0.95463
title('MPathI correlations')

6. Understanding the output

MPathI returns a stats structure including a collection of output.
Cross-validated correlations
Latent image series and voxel patterns
Overall cross-validated correlations and dot products for multi-level analysis. If you run MPathI on a series of individual subjects, each with their own latent pattern, then you can use these as summary statistics for 2nd-level group analyses:
T-test results
Bootstrapped patterns, if requested
Source fmri_data objects for regions

Ways to use the output

7. More extensions

Run MPathI on right-hemisphere thalamocortical connections

printhdr('MPathI: right lgn->L V1 and right mgn->L A1')
---------------------------------------------- MPathI: right lgn->L V1 and right mgn->L A1 ----------------------------------------------
pathwaynames = {'R LGN->R V1' 'R LGN->R A1' 'R MGN->L V1' 'R MGN->R A1'};
stats = model_brain_pathway(obj_denoised, right_LGN, right_MGN, RV1, RA1, 'plot', 'names', pathwaynames);
Simple ROI correlations Col 1: R LGN->R V1 Col 2: R LGN->R A1 Col 3: R MGN->L V1 Col 4: R MGN->R A1 --------------------------------------------- Tests of column means against zero --------------------------------------------- Name Mean_Value Std_Error T P Cohens_d _______________ __________ _________ _______ ________ ________ {'R LGN->R V1'} -0.12974 0.06864 -1.8902 0.091311 -0.59772 {'R LGN->R A1'} -0.10273 0.097314 -1.0557 0.31863 -0.33383 {'R MGN->L V1'} 0.093034 0.099038 0.93938 0.37206 0.29706 {'R MGN->R A1'} -0.093345 0.072962 -1.2794 0.23276 -0.40457 MPathI correlations
Col 1: R LGN->R V1 Col 2: R LGN->R A1 Col 3: R MGN->L V1 Col 4: R MGN->R A1 --------------------------------------------- Tests of column means against zero --------------------------------------------- Name Mean_Value Std_Error T P Cohens_d _______________ __________ _________ ________ __________ ________ {'R LGN->R V1'} 0.42608 0.076932 5.5383 0.00036182 1.7514 {'R LGN->R A1'} -0.34087 0.074343 -4.5851 0.0013182 -1.4499 {'R MGN->L V1'} -0.080079 0.094692 -0.84567 0.41965 -0.26742 {'R MGN->R A1'} 0.069546 0.085843 0.81015 0.43875 0.25619
Elapsed time is 2.754785 seconds.
Latent MPathI correlations were 0.43 (sd = 0.08) for Pathway 1 and 0.07 (sd = 0.09) for Pathway 2. Correlations were significant for Pathway 1, t(9.0) = 4.92, p = 0.000830, and not significant for Pathway 2, t(9.0) = 0.83, p = 0.429275. The interaction between on-targed (expected) and off-target pathways was signficant, t(9.0) = 4.72, p = 0.001096. Pathway 1 on-target vs. off-target correlations were signficant, t(9.0) = 5.45, p = 0.000405. Pathway 2 on-target vs. off-target correlations were not signficant, t(9.0) = 0.99, p = 0.349482. Simple ROI correlations were -0.13 (sd = 0.07) for Pathway 1 and -0.09 (sd = 0.07) for Pathway 2. Correlations were not significant for Pathway 1, t(9.0) = -1.90, p = 0.089609, and not significant for Pathway 2, t(9.0) = -1.27, p = 0.236966. The interaction between on-targed (expected) and off-target pathways was not signficant, t(9.0) = -1.06, p = 0.317751. Pathway 1 on-target vs. off-target correlations were not signficant, t(9.0) = -0.19, p = 0.853284. Pathway 2 on-target vs. off-target correlations were not signficant, t(9.0) = -1.60, p = 0.144400.

Run MPathI on normalized images

Compare with analysis of normalized images: There may be lots of variance across subjects in the scale of images, which could be an issue here. Z-scoring images may help, but may also result in information loss. This kind of normalization was suggested by Bogdan Petre's analysis of cross-validated prediction of pain across studies, comparing with ComBat.
% Normalize each images by calculating a spatial z-score, so that each
% image is mean 0 and standard deviation 1:
printhdr('MPathI with image normalization')
---------------------------------------------- MPathI with image normalization ----------------------------------------------
obj_denoised_z = rescale(obj_denoised, 'zscoreimages');
pathwaynames = {'L LGN->L V1' 'L LGN->L A1' 'L MGN->L V1' 'L MGN->L A1'};
statsz = model_brain_pathway(obj_denoised_z, left_LGN, left_MGN, LV1, LA1, 'plot', 'names', pathwaynames);
Simple ROI correlations Col 1: L LGN->L V1 Col 2: L LGN->L A1 Col 3: L MGN->L V1 Col 4: L MGN->L A1 --------------------------------------------- Tests of column means against zero --------------------------------------------- Name Mean_Value Std_Error T P Cohens_d _______________ __________ _________ _______ ________ ________ {'L LGN->L V1'} 0.10606 0.084906 1.2492 0.24311 0.39503 {'L LGN->L A1'} -0.22155 0.075205 -2.9459 0.01633 -0.93157 {'L MGN->L V1'} -0.16229 0.069865 -2.3229 0.045273 -0.73455 {'L MGN->L A1'} 0.22861 0.074401 3.0727 0.013296 0.97167 MPathI correlations
Col 1: L LGN->L V1 Col 2: L LGN->L A1 Col 3: L MGN->L V1 Col 4: L MGN->L A1 --------------------------------------------- Tests of column means against zero --------------------------------------------- Name Mean_Value Std_Error T P Cohens_d _______________ __________ _________ ________ __________ _________ {'L LGN->L V1'} 0.48094 0.071186 6.7561 8.3074e-05 2.1365 {'L LGN->L A1'} -0.37693 0.075485 -4.9935 0.00074554 -1.5791 {'L MGN->L V1'} -0.015618 0.096565 -0.16174 0.87508 -0.051147 {'L MGN->L A1'} 0.21228 0.052262 4.0619 0.0028338 1.2845
Elapsed time is 1.860473 seconds.
Latent MPathI correlations were 0.48 (sd = 0.07) for Pathway 1 and 0.21 (sd = 0.05) for Pathway 2. Correlations were significant for Pathway 1, t(9.0) = 5.54, p = 0.000362, and significant for Pathway 2, t(9.0) = 3.96, p = 0.003306. The interaction between on-targed (expected) and off-target pathways was signficant, t(9.0) = 5.90, p = 0.000230. Pathway 1 on-target vs. off-target correlations were signficant, t(9.0) = 5.94, p = 0.000218. Pathway 2 on-target vs. off-target correlations were not signficant, t(9.0) = 2.10, p = 0.064706. Simple ROI correlations were 0.11 (sd = 0.08) for Pathway 1 and 0.23 (sd = 0.07) for Pathway 2. Correlations were not significant for Pathway 1, t(9.0) = 1.25, p = 0.242254, and significant for Pathway 2, t(9.0) = 2.83, p = 0.019616. The interaction between on-targed (expected) and off-target pathways was signficant, t(9.0) = 2.81, p = 0.020255. Pathway 1 on-target vs. off-target correlations were signficant, t(9.0) = 2.38, p = 0.041269. Pathway 2 on-target vs. off-target correlations were signficant, t(9.0) = 2.85, p = 0.018965.

Bootstrap tests for inferences on model (latent multivariate pattern) weights

% Run it with bootstrapping:
statsz = model_brain_pathway(obj_to_analyzez, vpl, pbn, dpins, cea, 'Indices', subjid, 'nboot', 1000);
function obj_denoised = clean_fmri_timeseries(obj, mvmtfname)
% Obtain a matrix of 'spike' indicators and movement-related regressors
% based on multiple criteria to use as covariates
% 24 movement-related covariates per run
[mvmt_matrix, mvmt_regs_24] = movement_regressors(mvmtfname);
covs = mvmt_regs_24;
% 'spike' outliers and high framewise-displacement (fd) images
[est_outliers_uncorr, est_outliers_corr, outlier_tables] = outliers(obj, 'fd', mvmt_matrix);
sum(est_outliers_uncorr) % this shows how many outliers
covs = [covs outlier_tables.outlier_regressor_matrix_uncorr];
% Mean CSF
[gwcsfvalues, gwcsfcomponents] = extract_gray_white_csf(obj);
meancsf = gwcsfvalues(:, 3);
covs = [covs meancsf];
% Here the first component is a head-shift artifact; this will not always
% be the case. You could use PCA or ICA denoising strategies but be
% careful. This code applies to this sample data only.
[component_scores, eigenmap_obj, explained] = pca(obj, 'k', 3);
covs = [covs component_scores(:, 1)];
% High-pass filter - assume TR = 2 sec
[S,KL,KH] = use_spm_filter(2, size(obj.dat, 2),'none', 'specify', 128);
covs = [covs KH];
% Regress all covs out from each voxel and return residuals
% We can ignore colinearity/leverage warnings
obj.X = covs;
regress_output = regress(obj, 'residual', 'noverbose');
obj_denoised = regress_output.resid;
end % function